

.:: Web 2.0 File Mirror Script - Massmirror.com clone ::.

Qooy.com is a Web 2.0 file mirroring service with most advanced features. Just upload the file to our server, it will be automatically distributed to several free file hosts. After it's uploaded, you will get download links to these sites.
Укажите нужный файл и скрипт сам загрузит на  выбранные  вами фалообменники и выдаст вам список ссылок на ваш файл!
Demo: http://www.qooy.com

Now you can buy the Qooy.com script and setup site in your domain. File Mirroring script/sites are very few and it has huge potential.

All uploads are multi-threaded which means uploading from our server to all mirror sites will be done parallely rather than one after the other. This will result in faster uploads compared to similar sites.

We have used latest technology like Ajax which updates the status of uploaded files and generate links without any need of user refreshing the page or requires admin intervention. There is no maintenance required, everything is done automatically.

All the uploaded files in the server will be uploaded immediately to other mirrors. Once that's complete, file stored in your server will be cleaned up by a cron job which executes automatically every 6 hours. This will reduce the need of huge storage space in your server.

Optional email notification feature is added where the user will be automatically sent a mail containing the download links once the upload is over. This is especially useful while uploading large files the user need not wait at the site for the upload to get over to see the links.

Only the core portion of the script is encoded using ioncube encoder, which means you can easily change the look an feel, change template etc. There is no restriction on that. Adsense is integrated with the script (not seen in demo site) and installation is quick and easy (Readme included)

Updates for the script will be lifetime free. As soon as we release new features, it will be mailed to all who who purchased it.

Requirements: PHP, MySql, Curl, Ioncube Loader (All freely downloadable and come with most hosting accounts - please contact your host for verifying/installing)


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