

Scripts:Dolphin Dating Script

General Features

* Blog (photo upload, user can create different categories, permissions, comments)
* The ability to sort member menu and groups on member menu
* The ability to approve "x" number of profiles simultaneously
* Cash profile info
* General folder for all pics
* Smiles Pack
* French, German, Russian, Dutch, Spanish Languages
* Default integration of Ray Web Multimedia Software free version
* Optional integration of phpBB, vBulletin
* Optional integration of Barracuda Traffic Development Software
* Speed Dating Module
* Registration Security Images
* Email member profile
* On-fly photos auto scaling
* Profile of the week and profile of the month
* "Links", "FAQ", "About us", "Contact us", "Privacy", "Terms of use", "Services" pages
* Affiliate system with commissions tracking routine and security tools
* Quick search
* Advanced search
* Sorting and search narrowing
* USA states and ZIP codes search options
* Matchmaking (auto search based on user-specified criteria)
* Cupid mail (matchmaking results auto-sending)
* Search for online members, searching members, communicating (in IM) members
* Advanced Credit System which can be used for buying variety of services: membership, contact information, access to chat or IM, etc. for registered users only, visitors are offered to register or log-in before buying credits
* Integrated with PayPal by default
* Supports recurring billing from PayPal
* Integrated with new 2checkout
* Can be integrated with any other payment processing company (PaySystems, Authorize.Net, iBill, 2checkout, etc.)
* 100% automated billing system. Script automatically sends purchased information after payment is processed and performs multi-level anti-fraud checks
* Several payment providers could work simultaneously

User Part Features

* Customizable profile view
* Browse profiles with narrowing ability
* Country flags on-fly selection
* E-mail confirmation routine
* Checking e-mails to be unique
* Members registration form - 2 steps by default
* Smart shopping cart with history
* Invite / tell a friend
* New members (auto-displaying of photos of latest registered users on the main page)
* "Online/Offline" user status
* Merchant account integration
* Personal Media Gallery (audio, video and pictures albums and categories)
* Personal Blog
* Friends List
* Guestbook
* Friends Only and Registered Only permissions to GuestBook comments
* ShoutBox
* 'Chicks' For Free
* Gmail Like Mailbox Conversations Archive
* Speed dating events subscription
* "Random Quotes" system
* One-click lists with online users
* Top-rated profiles lookup
* Zodiac signs lookup in profiles and search results
* Newsletter
* "Last logged-in" information
* Essay (extended "About me" section)
* Profile ratings
* Number of profile views with ability to list the members who viewed the profile
* Automatic member gender prompt for profiles search
* Dating polls
* Automatic photos upload system
* Search results can be presented in the form of a photo gallery
* Optional displaying of additional photos only to gold or purchased members
* Photos rating (similar to hotornot.com)
* Password-protected members' photos
* Personal Weblog commenting
* Double-blind virtual kisses
* Double-blind messaging
* Messenger with storing system
* Advanced control panel for members (profile status and all-contacts information)
* Media (video and audio support for profiles)
* Configurable Flash-based online live-chat system
* HotList (buddies, favorites)
* Block members (members can block all correspondence from certain members)
* Support of A/V Instant Messenger and A/V Chat by Ray Web Multimedia Software
* Ability to choose event, order ticket and provide matches ids

Administration Panel Features

* User-friendly, convenient online administration system
* Index page Drag&Drop structure building
* Moderators Accounts to approve and edit profiles
* News module with admin tab
* Automatic success stories posting with "latest story" feature
* Graduated pricing, credits system, customizable memberships
* Advanced Banner System and Adsense Integration
* Easy to follow calendar
* Members Pictures Customized Water Mark
* Individual member promotion and membership assignment
* Five types of user account status
* Search by ID, e-mail and nickname
* Confirmed User email notification for admin
* "Variables" section to manage sitewide functions
* User-friendly profile fields modification system
* Site's styles file modification
* Integrated language file modification capabilities
* Automatic update availability alerts
* Admin interface to create moderators
* Updated admin finance calculator
* Multiple languages support
* Featured profiles generating
* Optional profiles auto-approve
* Installation wizard for fast and easy scripts installation
* Easy texts, code, graphics modification
* Free trial membership (admin ability to set up the period length and conditions)
* Automatic database cleaning (administrator can specify allowed inactivity period)
* Displaying the number of registered members from defined countries who are online/present
* Links exchange campaign
* E-mail notifications/newsletter system
* "Articles" system for more text content
* Admin ability to set Cupid mail options
* Plugin configuration features
* Banners rotation system management
* Ability to bring random profiles, online profiles, last profiles, and top rated profiles to home page
* ability to set minimal number of characters for "About me" and "About you" fields
* ability to set required size of "Password" field
* Customizable number of photos a member can upload
* ability to choose currency image used for transactions
* Admin ability to set up events, place, time and events' manager contact info
* Admin ability to set up events' pricing based on gender
* Admin ability to show events' place picture
* Admin ability to set matches number
* Printer-friendly users' list, matching users
* Automatic billing and transactions generation
* Credits pricing modification system in admin panel
* Ability to create any membership type
* Ability to define membership access level
* Ability to define customized membership requirements
* Admin ability to give permissions to all users to contact each other for free
* Admin ability to give gender type users gold membership during sign up








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