

DataLife Engine 7.2 Final Full English Translated By DataLife Support

We present to you our new version of the script DataLife Engine v.7.2 Final Release. This release has been given great attention to improving the security of the script, as well as expanding the multimedia capabilities script, as well as new mechanisms convenient searching and sorting of news when editing. This release is highly recommendations for installation on the site, so if you postponed deadline for the transition to the new version, we recommend that you upgrade to version 7.2 Final Release.

New Feauters:

1. In a script the editor is added absolutely new WYSYWIG.

2. Support in language packages change of language and for WYSIWYG the editor is added.

3. Support WYSIWYG of the editor is added at fast editing of comments by means of technology AJAX.

4. Support WYSIWYG of the editor is added at fast editing of news on a site by means of technology AJAX.

5. The new module "the Cloud tags" is added.

6. In templates of short and full news (shortstory.tpl, fullstory.tpl) the following tags is added: [tаgs] the text [/tags] deduces the text if news contains the keywords appointed for a cloud tags, {tags} deduces click the keywords of news appointed for a cloud tags, at transition under these links all news containing given keywords are deduced.

7. Support tags in RSS is increased.

8. Methods of automatic blocking a spam of programs are improved.

9. Return of 404 errors is added.

10. Library High slide is updated to the actual version.

11. New mechanisms of protection are entered.

12. Possibility to establish in options of groups of users display of a code of safety (CAPTCHA) is added.

13. Possibility in options of groups is added, to resolve or forbid users the publication of pictures in comments or their use in the signature.

14. Possibility is added to forbid certain user to leave comments or to publish news on a site.

15. Sending E-Mail of notices from a site is added at reception by the user of the personal message.

16. Compression system Gzip контекта is a little improved, compatibility with some browsers is improved and also compatibility with various options of a server is improved, and also speed of job is a little accelerated.

17. Formation of the link to viewing of all news of the user and comments in its profile is corrected.

18. Possibility of granting to the visitor of a site independently is added to change an order of sorting of news on a site, are for this purpose added new теги [sоrt] {sort} [/sort] for a template main.tpl.

19. Possibility of change of the author of the publication is added at editing of news in admin panel.

20. In templates of short and full news it is added тег {full-link} intended for a conclusion of a full permanent address of news.

21. Support by a script of a new player for video playing is added: DivX Web Player.

22. The new module "Rules on a site" is added.

23. Possibility to block for registration certain Logins or E-Mail addresses is added.

24. Preservation of parameters exposed in advanced search is added at editing of news, at return to the list of news after realization over them mass actions.

25. Support of inverted commas in admin panel a script is added at use of the module of search and text replacement in a database.

26. Added Tracing by a script of date editing of news and a login of the user.

27. At viewing of full news the script gives for search engines date of creation of news or date of editing of news as date of creation of document HTML.

28. The error is corrected at loading of images to static pages leading to occurrence in the list of the loaded files of the images loaded to news.

29. The error is corrected at which, after purpose of a new login to the user in section of editing of already existing login, there was MySQL an error and incorrect change of a login.

30. The error is corrected at which there was no check of uniqueness of a name of a category in URL at category editing.

31. Changes are made to system of a rating of news and interrogations.

32. The error is corrected at which usual visitor could to choose to impose or not a watermark on the loaded image, despite the fact that what the manager accurately appoints watermark imposing to the image.

33. Display admin panel is optimized at job on displays with the big permissions.

34. It is brought more than 30 insignificant corrections and optimization in a code of a script intended for increase of stability of job of a script, and also for speed increase.




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